Sunday, December 30, 2007

my new year

yes,the new year will be here and i really feel deep down to my soul its my new year. my year to be whom i am as a woman and a spiritual sister of whom i've alwasy been. too long i've had to hide my life and my spirituality so that i would'nt affend certain people,its not that im a murder or anything i dont do hard drugs i quit that since i was 19yrs old but i am and i'm proud of being a beautiful and magical sometime werid and a little in my own world but mostly i love who I am! Now i can rip out of the binds which once held me so close as to tear me from what i believe so that i may blend with others and fit in .just i would lose more and more of myself . NOw its tis the winter solstice a time of cleaning out the old and bringing,welcoming my newest birth of who is me.I can now say my blessings aloud and give admissons and love to all ,finally the truth be spoken I AM A PAGAN SISTER loved by the four elments of the world air,water,earth and fir the air is much sweeter to feel and carress my face,water to cleanse the blood that once was spilled inside my heart from the pain inside i have felt as i held to i am . the eath i have chosen to ground me from now and fourth to be soild, to hold me in the position of where i now will be. and the last ingrediant to combind the three to which i am now awoken from this slumber which i have allowed myself to lay still as if been dead, so long before the fire has woken me,bring me to this profound and golden light , bring me to where i am supposted to be I am power,love,friend i love now that i may share that who is me a love and cherish eacd day and dont belive in failure ,this new year will be my year and and everyone who deep inside has been so afraid to just scream yest to be heard to finally open up and just be and that what 2008 is for me to JUST BE !!!!
blesings and love this is for the goddess inside of all who i love JUST BE